Oracle Dynamic Reports

Integration XEP with Oracle XDB - live demonstration of generating dynamic-batch reports from Oracle 9i.

10,000 records are stored in Oracle 9i and then XEP is used to format XML to PDF. XML-XSL-XSLFO-PDF. Various styles (format) of reports (PO's and charts) are generated using different XSL-XSLFO stylesheets (templates)

Templates are created using XEdit - RenderX tool with Microsoft Word as a WYSIWYG, as XSL stylesheet, template designer.

The tool supports the powerful abilities for declarative designing embedded data; and XEP allows producing high quality reports in many output formats. This demo generates 3 kinds of reports in 5 different styles:

  • Purchase Order in "Classic" and "Modern"
  • Pivot Charts in 2D-bar, 3D-bar and Pie-Chart
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You have selected this template:

PO template №1

Current page format

US Letter
US Legal

You can generate existing PO 1 - 8 of 10000 records
PO # Issue Date Vendor Total
350000030612 01.01.2006 Air Business Travel


350000030613 01.01.2006 Foxs books store


350000030614 01.01.2006 Foxs books store


350000030615 01.01.2006 Air Business Travel


350000030616 01.01.2006 Low Prices Hardware Store Dot Com


350000030617 01.01.2006 Foxs books store


350000030618 01.01.2006 Foxs books store


350000030619 01.01.2006 RenderX Inc


 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next page

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