Elysa Jones

Warning Systems, Inc.

United States of America

Other address: ejones@warningsystems.com


Ms. Elysa Jones is the Engineering Program Manager for Warning Systems, Inc. (WSI). She has more than 25 years experience in engineering program management, software development, and product design and development. She has been with WSI since 1998 and has been instrumental in the successful design and development of new products and installation of major radio warning systems. She also served on the board of trustees for the Partnership for Public Warning and is committed to the work of improving public warning in our country and throughout the world. She is the current Chair of the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee. Through those efforts, Ms. Jones works diligently to further standards development to support all aspect of Emergency Management. Through this work, she monitors the development of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the National Response Plan (NRP), and other emergency management initiatives to ensure that WSI product development is aligned with changes in the field.


Proliferation of OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Standard