
To locate a conference paper,

  1. Select one of the eight sort criteria via the home page buttons or the Index menu items available from any page
  2. Scroll the resulting list of paper titles to find a title of interest
  3. Follow that link to a page containing an abstract and other information about the paper
  4. On the abstract page, choose
    HTML HTML version to read the paper online
    PDF PDF version to print or download for offline viewing
    SVG SVG version for an accessible, scalable, standards-based viewing experience available on a wide range of devices
    XML XML version if you would like to see the raw DocBook data as submitted by the author
  5. Follow links within the HTML, PDF and SVG versions of the papers, and click the pager bars on left and right to flip between SVG pages
  6. Follow the author links on each abstract page to read their biographies and link through to other papers they have written.

The biographies are also linked directly from the Author index pages for convenient access.