Ralf Lammel

Microsoft Corporation

United States of America

Other address: http://msdn.microsoft.com/xml/


Since January 2005 I am Program Manager at Microsoft in Redmond in the WebData/XML team. In previous years (1999-2004), I worked on the faculty of the Free University Amsterdam, Computer Science Department, and at the Dutch Centre of Mathematics and Computer Science: http://homepages.cwi.nl/~ralf/. I obtained a PhD ("dissertation") in Computer Science from University of Rostock (Germany), in January 1999. In the years 1990-1999, I worked as a freelancer in major business programming projects, where I specialized in the design, the implementation, and the deployment of code manipulation tools.My computer science interests cover programming languages and automated software engineering. My specific fields of expertise include grammarware engineering (http://www.cs.vu.nl/grammarware/), software transformation, generic programming, software design, aspect- oriented programming, and software re-engineering. I have published some 40 papers on these and other subjects. I am a regular member of program committees for ACM and IEEE events, and I organize such events. Check out the upcoming summer school on transformational and generative techniques: http://www.di.uminho.pt/GTTSE2005.At a technical level, I am fascinated by declarative programming, grammar-based methods, executable specification, and automated source- code manipulation. My current pet topic is tool and language support for enabling the evolution of structural knowledge in software (such as grammar or schema knowledge), while advanced techniques for "coupled" software transformation are used to that end. Likewise, I am looking into the intriguing problem of "generic" software transformations; these transformations would be reusable among very different languages.


Analysis of XML schema usage