Michael Leventhal

Tarari, Inc.

San Diego
United States of America

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Michael Leventhal is Senior Director, XML Products for Tarari where he has guided the creation of world's first XML-in-silicon accelerators supporting RAX (random access XML) processing methodology. Mr. Leventhal has been involved with XML from its inception, having authored some of the earliest publications on XML including the first book published on its use for the Internet and was also involved in Web Services from its earliest days, having led the team at Commerce One that created DocSOAP, an open-source, high-performance document-centric SOAP framework. He also worked on DocZilla, an XML-centric mozilla-based browser. Mr. Leventhal is active on Tarari's behalf in the W3C. He holds an EECS degree from U.C. Berkeley.


2005: The Year Mainstream Networking Embraced XML

Efficient XML