Mark Little

Arjuna Technologies Limited

Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom

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Dr. Mark Little is Chief Architect for Arjuna Technologies Ltd, a company specialising in the development of reliable middleware. Before this, Mark was a Distinguished Engineer/Architect within HP Arjuna Labs. in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, where he lead the HP-TS and HP-WST teams, developing J2EE and Web services transactions products respectively. He is one of the primary authors of the OMG Activity Service specification and is on the expert group for the same work in J2EE (JSR 95). He is also the specification lead for JSR 156: Java API for XML Transactions. He is on the OTS Revision Task Force and the OASIS Business Transactions Protocol specification. Before joining HP he was for over 10 years a member of the Arjuna team within the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (where he continues to have a Visiting Fellowship). His research within the Arjuna team included replication and transactions support, which include the construction of an OTS/JTS compliant transaction processing system. Mark has published extensively in the Web Services Journal, Java Developers Journal and other journals and magazines. He is also the co-author of several books including "Java and Transactions for Systems Professionals" and "The J2EE 1.4 Bible."


The Session Concept and Web Services